In Black

So obviously I’ve returned from my vacation and what can I say, I really enjoyed it. We (12 of us) boated around on Lake Roosevelt (follow the Columbia into NW Washington) for a week mostly relaxing and hanging with my family. Played several games and learned a new card game called ‘sit on it’ which I happen to rock at. Did some hiking, some exploring, lots of chilling, some boating, some fishing, and some cooking.

The food arrangements were that people were paired up to cook two meals (one dinner and one lunch) so I was paired up with my uncle. I was in charge of doing the dinner and he the lunch and all I have to say is that I rock at cooking, or at least grilling. Cooking for 12 is more work than I’m used to but I managed with a couple helper monkeys stirring stuff while I went to flip the meat on the grill. Either way, I think I personally cooked the best meal that week and suprised many people. There were no jibes thrown my way about making pb&j’s all the time after that either :).

I also put my camera through the paces and I think I’m going to keep it. I took several pictures that once I sort through and find a place to post them, there will be a linky. A couple things though, in general I’m not comfortable being photographed so I don’t take many pictures of other people since it might ake them uncomfortable too, unless they ask for it though, so most the pictures are of scenery. Also, I’m enjoying doing macro shots so there’s a fair amount of those too.

I don’t know that I have much else to add about the trip so moving on. 4th of July was fun, I hung out with some friends, we did various things, saw some fireworks, general 4th celebration stuff plus more fun.

Now towards my current mood. What do you do when your backups fail you? I say grr and fly by the seat of my pants on a wing and a prayer. Usually things turn out decently enough, at least they have so far but we’ll see where this goes.

I think it just gets more depressing from here so I’ll just stop.

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