Intelligent Donkey?

Or just a smart ass?  I know all of what I have to write is much, but it’s a bit more than a month’s worth.  I’m also aware that I’m skipping some stuff but it’s late and I’m tired, so hopefully I’ll get to it tomorrow.  Just so you know it’s nothing important, just my crazy thoughts and a few pictures.

I had most of this written some weeks ago which missed my goal by only two weeks, but then I get distracted by shiny objects and never got to finishing it.  It wouldn’t have been too hard to finish it, but for some reason as more time passes I have more stuff to add.  It’s like a never ending project, like those other things I’ll never finish.  I guess I could just stop trying to make goals that I will fail at and not write anything here anymore, but that’s pretty unlikely.

In my standard format, I’ll start by recanting the things I’ve been up too over the past few weeks.  So the weekend of June 7th I went up to Seattle to enjoy the company of my sister and good friend Brian.  The weather wasn’t too conducive for some of the activities that I would have liked to have participated in, but I still had a good time.  It’s hard for me to not have a good time when I visit my friends though, otherwise I wouldn’t visit them.  We played with my Wii a bit, I think I may have enjoyed that more than the others though.  NOT LIKE THAT!!!  You perverts…  Saturday we went out to dinner, I got to meet Brian’s girlfriend and another of his friends, afterward we all went to see Iron Man.  I also helped Brian out a touch with something he’s going to be doing to his trailer, I only wish I could have been more help.  Brian and I also had lunch with my sister and Jared Sunday showing them how close they actually are to each other.  Anyway, I think I’ll probably be going up again sometime in the near future for more fun.

The following weekend was much busier than anticipated.  I knew I was going to be driving my Eugene friends to the airport Saturday morning, I wasn’t aware that I was going to be needing to get them there by 4am.  Got that taken care of but it was too early for much else to be open, so I went home and slept a few more hours.  I then went back to north Portland and finally got the hitch installed on my car so now I can actually transport my bicycle without too much hassle and interior damage to my car.  My bud Cheese is going to be tying the knot soon and thus a bachelor party was thrown for him.  It wasn’t your classic Hollywood bachelor party with strippers/hookers, lines of blow, lots of cash, and a car chase.  Well there was a car chase, but that was done at Sykart.  After doing a few hours of that we all migrated to the Widmer brew pub followed by Uptown Billiards.  In all an excellent wholesome evening with the guys.  Sunday I went for a nice long bike ride to continue my training for the STP.

The following Saturday I went for another long bike ride and I think I hit my personal fastest speed of just about 50mi/hr.  That was fun and I’ll probably do it again, without using my brakes.  That Sunday I did a bit of mt biking with the guys out at Powell Butte.  It was a fair cakewalk but still fun.  Then that Tuesday I went and picked my buds up from the airport.

The weekend after that I went down to Eugene to hang out with those friends.  It was hot and fun and played in the river a touch.  While playing in the river we decided to try rock climbing up the rapids.  That’s hard work fighting the current and I cut my feet a touch on the clam shells, but still fun.

Finally up to a bit more current time frame.  This past weekend I went up to my parents place for the 4th of July celebrations.  Since it’s on the eastern portion of the state, the fire hazard is a bit high to have much of a fireworks show so we didn’t have one.  I actually think I didn’t see a single firework all weekend.  My sis Karen and her boyfriend along with one of their coworkers and Jared’s grandparent all came up there for the weekend.  It was fun, yard games and card games in the evening.  There was a demolition derby Friday morning that we all went to and got burned due to poor weather planning and a parade on Saturday.  There was also a BB King concert that would have been interesting to see, but we didn’t do that.  I did however manage to sleep in my hammock, all night, two nights in a row.  That’s a bit of a feat for me seeing as how many attempts I had made at just making it through one night.  I wanted to determine it’s viability as an option for camping and have determined that it’s a good one.  Sort of sad for my sister as she had recently gotten a pet fish that didn’t make it through the weekend.  She didn’t have it with her, it was left with Jared’s parents.  Since his dad was joking about eating the thing and it was supposedly buried in the yard when they returned, I think he probably did eat it.  I wonder if beta’s taste any good.

As for the STP, I was training for it and was working out most my travel plans but then most the people in my riding group had to back out for various reasons, mostly business related.  I was thinking that I would end up pretty much soloing it but then I had discovered that Cheese’s wedding is going to be that same weekend.  So alas, I will be bowing out too from this year.  This will be the second year I have bought a ticket but been unable to attend so it makes me a bit sad, but there’s always next year.

So what will I be up too the next few weeks?  Well I have a few ideas.  I was going to try the double red cell blood donation but I ended up going to Eugene instead.  While I could just do a normal whole blood donation pretty much anytime I think I’d really like to try the double so I may try to do that the 19th.  There’s talk of maybe going to visit Karen sometime in the relatively near future so I may go up and do that for a weekend.  My friend Becky was accepted into the JET program so it looks like we’ll be having a going away party for her before she leaves at the beginning of August.  Derek’s bday is at the end of July so I’ll probably be going down for that too.  All this is leaving me very little time to go backpacking/camping/climbing, but we’ll see where I can squeeze some in.

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