Sort of funny

In a messed up sort of way that is, I do write for my blog fairly often. The problem is often that it’s a rough draft and I want to edit it when I have more time before actually posting it. Unfortunately I don’t take the time to do that so I end up with this long amalgamation of thoughts waiting to be put up in one big mess. Well, here’s my most recent mess that I’m delaying going back to work to post for my point, but it’s my lunch break so not that big of a deal. Here’s most of it fairly unedited so the timings off but you should be able to pick that up pretty quick.

It’s interesting the level of readership I get sometimes. Unfortunately I’m not sure yet if the numbers apply directly to my blog or if it just counts the number of visits to my main page. There was one week when it told me it was read some 180 I think, that seems a touch ridiculous. It was probably those spammers trying to get me to sign onto their porn site or whatever. If it wasn’t that was a busy week. I think I usually get maybe 20 reads a week on average, if you care.

This was what I actually wrote yesterday so it’s a little late, hopefully you all survived without the warning. Today is National Day of the Ninja. I would recommend just ignoring all those fools out there pretending to be ninja’s since by and large, they’re harmless. That could be dangerous though since you’re letting down your guard and a real ninja could get you easier. Of course, since we’re talking about a real ninja attacking, you wouldn’t see it coming even if you had your guard up. So my point, just ignore the guys you see pretending to be ninja’s cause the real ones you’ll never see, unless you’re dying by them.

I wrote this paragraph a week ago. About darn time! My life is getting sucked up but I think that may get cleaned up hopefully soon so I can regain some of my time. Goals that don’t really serve much purpose other than giving you something to strive for end up pointless in the end. I think once I accomplish those goals I’ll have a boatload of free time to produce even more boredom, but hopefully I’ll find something to fill that up with.

I guess I need to be more careful about what I put up here since there are more parties reading this now. Who am I kidding, parties are all about fun so why don’t I give them entertainment? Wait, that’s all I do.

This one’s been typed out over a long period of time, periodically updating so I don’t forget too many things. I went to Goldendale for the weekend, chopped some wood, it snowed, 2″ on car by the time I left. Almost couldn’t leave. Thanksgiving weekend, big group of 11 people, good food and company though. Went and hung out with my dad and uncle the rest of that weekend. On the way back to Portland there was some pretty decent snow all through the gorge too. Following weekend spent a boring Saturday, but Sunday we celebrated my dad’s and both my sisters birthday’s. I also helped (with a bit of Karen’s help) Jen with her hw. Next Saturday I’m going to her graduation ceremony, assuming we did well enough on the assignment. Saturday’s also my sister’s birthday so I’m not quite sure what’s going on but I know I get to entertain Jared while Karen’s doing a jewelry show. Friday I’m going to another group get together, it’s been a while since the last but they’re all good. Also, when we went to Heidi’s place a while ago we picked some hops which have been turned into beer, so I’m looking to get some of those to share around to determine how mad those hops were.

Now we’re just into the area where I’m not sure when I typed it but I don’t think that’s too important.

My December is filling up quick, I think I may already have plans for the entire thing, but that’s not too hard with Christmas and New Years coming up. The weekend of my sis’s bday’s, next is a climbing comp which I think I’m volunteering at, after that leads into Christmas and the following goes into new years. I’m not sure how that’s going to work with work seeing as I think I’m going to Goldendale for both but we’ll see. I’d feel really bad about taking 2 3day weeks and by the sound of it I may be going to Whistler the weekend after that, which I’d need to take that Fri and Mon off. So I’d have a 3 day week followed by a 2 day week followed by a 4 day? That seems kind of harsh to do to my boss, so I’ll probably decide to miss out. Oh well, maybe next year?

I live a fairly boring life, so I have to color it up, that way I have something a touch more interesting to talk about. I may know that it’s boring, but if I stay in the lines it’ll seem interesting to you. Maybe it’s when I color outside the lines that makes it seem interesting… since when did my life become an art class? But don’t they say that life is art…

There’s more, deeper, thoughts after that but maybe I’ll save them for another time. That or I’ll eat them, I am getting hungry.

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